Virtual Reality and future of games. Companies and innovation.
Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated environment with scenes and objects that appear to be real, making the user feel they are immersed in their surroundings. VR allows us to immerse ourselves in video games as if we were one of the characters, learn how to perform heart surgery or improve the quality of sports training to maximize performance. Participants both experience and influence the game environment through a variety of VR gaming devices and accessories, including VR headsets, sensor-equipped gloves, hand controllers, and more. IDC (International Data Corporation) predicts that the Virtual reality market will dramatically expand from just over $9 billion last year to $215 billion by 2021. That incredible 118% compound annual growth rate would make VR on of the fastest growing industries on earth. What exactly you will be able to do with VR? Well this is a complex question, but here is 'what you can currently do' and after it 'what you will be able to do...