How much space astronaut need to survive in space?

Astronaut live in ISS(International Space Station) in space. So firstly let's see how big ISS is. 

Space Station is 365 feet(109 meters) end-to-end, one yard shy of the full length of an American Football field and its 75 meters wide as well. It weighs 420 tonnes. Space Station has 932 cubic meters of total space, about two-third is used for equipment and storage.

The main thing:

So how much space do they need to survive in space? Well have you ever seen astronauts in ISS in You-Tube? There is a video even saying 'ISS tour' you can search that on You-Tube and get the results. Actually they don't have a lot of space, they are not there for enjoying anyway. They are there for research and they only do it. They are given space for working out and also space for sleeping and a washroom is also provided. So the answer for this question is 'They don't have a lot of Space'. I can't exactly tell how much cubic meters because you know I don't have been there 😉😉. 

Talking about their survival in Space here is out research on it-

Astronauts spend about 6 months in space. The ISS missions, called expeditions, usually last about six months. There are six crewmembers on board at all the time.

An astronaut can choose from many types of food such as fruits, nuts, peanut butter, chicken, beef, seafood, candy, brownies, etc. Available drinks include coffee, tea, orange, juice, fruit punches and lemonade. As on Earth, space food comes in deposable packages,


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