The only skill you need to start a company.
We all know that what we need for a company to grow. There are a lot of peoples there telling what is important. But most of them are fake. I mean they tell and know at least better than I do but what I am criticizing is their prime point.
All of them have a single prime advice which is make a great product and that is good because you need to offer something to the people which is useful and benefits them. But its not the thing. The more important point is Marketing and Sales.
Look at Apple Inc. its worth 2 trillion now or even more. What job did the companies founder had ? He was a marketing expert. You see you need to have product which is really useful and solves problems or in short you need to have a great product. I love this saying from a intelligent guy which says 'No matter how useful and great product you make if its not sold and marketed it is worthless, use it yourself.' Those are perfect words.
Well first of all marketing and sales are two different terms. You can find more about them in the internet.
So let's get to the point of mine writing this blog. The most important thing you need to learn in order to make massive money in company is marketing and sales. Its not something you will instantly learn its an art and it develops as the time passes. You do need to know other skills, but you don't need to expertise them. Know how to market and sell. What happens is that when your company is new its easy to tell your goal to the customer or what are you expecting from them by helping them or solving their problem. Consumer adapts it. But if you change your goal again and again and represent it to you customers, they get bored and irritated because you yourself are not sure of what youwant.
So the only thing you need to know in order to make company rich is to know marketing and sales. Now don't get me wrong I know money should not be the single goal, but money allows you to do things which don't have short term benefits especially in a new company you will, should and have to reinvest all the initially generated revenue into the company itself. That's why money is important not to spend it for your own luxury but also to grow and maintain the company.
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