What if I met DaVinci somehow ? What will I do?

 Well, if I had to wish whatever I like and I would get it then I would like to meet Leonardo DaVinci once, well yeah he is my ideal and inspiration.

DaVinci was of-course an amazing genius, some of the things about him which amazes me are-

1-He could write from both of his hands and draw from one hand and write from the other at the same time.

2- He could write in backward order which is called mirror writing, and most of his handwritten works are found in this style of writing.

3- He was an amazing artist, how can we forget about Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. He had this amazing skill to deliver emotions and thoughts in his arts.

4- He was an engineer also, he was so curious about flying that he have made designs for them. Today even credit for the inventions like helicopter and tank is given to him.

5- He had mastery in multiple subjects.

Now, if I had this chance to meet him what would I exactly talk about ?

Well firstly I would ask him how to learn anything quickly because he was a Polymath so he may know answer to my question. He might tell something which no-body has ever taught me or something which is taught by everyone, he might tell something old type formula for this question which in today's world be difficult to digest. I would also tell him about planes and helicopter and that these things are not a vision or imagination but reality, a reality so common that almost no one is now excited by them and too that we were now thinking to colonize other planets by something called rockets or spaceships. I think he might be shocked by this. I would also discuss about computers which are probably the coolest inventions humans have made and taking about coolest inventions I would also talk about bulb the electric bulb which was not invented at that time. I would tell how people can communicate through long distances by something called smartphone. He was an artist so I would also talk about arts and also that we were able to make 3d arts very easily. I would also talk about automobile and how easy was it now to go through one point to another without bulls or horses. I would surely talk about the COVID-19 and how it affected us, he was a man from renaissance period so he may understand it. I think he might be shocked from the clothes that I have wore he might think about them as very simple and elegant and minimalist.  He would be very happy to know that Italy is now a country, a well developed one. He also loved animals so I would surely talk about how people were now becoming vegan and quitting meat. And the foremost and most important thing I would surely tell him is about how his painting were doing in our time. I would tell him that we view him as a genius and Mona Lisa and The Last Supper are the most famous, unique and expensive paintings in the world. And last but not least I would ask him the question which has confused, bewildered the great thinkers and scientists of this century that 'who was Mona Lisa'.


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