How to wake up early ? The best advice.
How to wake up early ? The best advice.
Waking early is so important especially for people seeking success in life. If you look at the mornings of successful persons you will find that all of them wake up early, why because, well, I don't need to discuss it here otherwise it would be very long but surely I will make an blog about 'Benefits of waking up early' so keep connected.
Here are some quick tips and information's about waking up early-
1- Sleep early - If you sleep early it will be very helpful for getting up in the morning. The benefit you get from it is that you firstly get enough sleep and then waking up early becomes easy.
2- Set an reward as for getting up- It can be anything from coffee to journaling. If you get a reward or in other words a reason for getting up it can get very easy but only if you like the reward, if you're just setting the reward for setting the reward believe me it is not going to work.
3- Write an to-do before sleeping- If you write an to-do before you sleep it will help you sleep faster because now you've wrote that what are the things you want to achieve tomorrow. Don't write way too much stuff just decide 3 very strong works you surely wants to do tomorrow because it again gives you a reason to get up.
4- Use the time- If you wake up 30 minutes or 1 hour earlier don't waste that time, just use it. Now how can you use that time ? Go for a walk, exercise, read book or do something which extends your knowledge or just work on your body. By using your time in the morning you're telling your brain that their is still something to do after getting up which makes you feel good.
I have some blogs on exercising you can read them so I don't need to discuss them here.
5- Don't change a lot- Just an hour or 30minutes or less. Start it from small because by making small changes it is going to help you pursue the dream of being a morning person. You should try it by your own because I need you to experience it and of course share you experience with us on the comment let us know how much value we provided.
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