How to learn anything faster ? The 4 step rule.
Welcome again, well today I am going to give you 4 steps of learning anything faster. But first of all, these steps I am going to give you are well practiced by me. So I am confident to introduce these steps to you as well. These might not work for you but you can try because when you try you at least have a hope.
How to learn anything faster ?
Steps are as follows :
Read (Get knowledge) :
Whereas it be anything, I think it is having some written guidance on what it is and all essential questions. So first step is to read about it and get knowledge. Let me give you my example because it might help you. When I was learning coding, the first thing I did was get a book about that particular language which was python. I did read about it from pdf and other online free sources and believe me it helped a lot. But if you learn from videos it is good as well. These steps apply to video learning as well.
Apply :
Once you read and get information about it from videos or books, the next step is to apply as I did. I learned classes I applied them. I learned functions I applied them in python. So apply whatever you learn, most of things can be applied in the real world but if they can't, just 'imagine' and write them. Say you're learning rocket science, where you will apply it ? You can imagine and write about it. Write whatever you've learned imagine it, it will surely help.
Experiment :
After you get knowledge and have applied it, I assume you understand it now. So now it is time to question. You need to ask and find. When I was learning python, after I learned and applied I always asked ' Well, If I can do this with this can't I do this ? Lets make'. I just experimented. Back to rocket science, as I said you need to ask question so you can ask questions in these 'non-applying' fields too. The more deeper you find about them, the more you understand it. At this point now you understand the subject very well, you might be happy about it and excited as well. So now its time for the last moment of learning anything quickly which is :
Make :
Now its time to make. Make something with it. As I did when I was learning python. I tried to make a calculator and I did really had fun with it. At that point I understood everything well that's why I was able to make calculator. Again hihi back to rocket science, you can make a mini model of rocket by your own and explain to yourself how it works and etc. It is really helpful.
Important Note :
These steps are very very helpful. Do you believe It takes 1 year for a average person to learn one language but I learned 4 languages in less than 6 months, well, how by following these steps- Learn, Apply, Experiment, Make.
Thank you.
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