How to change any habit in 4 steps?
Habits are the truest form of ourselves, our habits decide our future but all of our habits are not right. Some are good some are bad. We don't like all of them. So here are 4 simple steps to change them.
1- Find out the actions you do - The first step is to find out sudden actions you perform to get a reward. Firstly find out what you do, let say for instance, you overeat and you do so by taking a doughnut from the plate, so your routine should be-
Go to kitchen, open up the fridge, take a doughnut from the plate and eat it with somebody or while watching television.
(You have to write all these things in a paper)
2- Experiment with rewards - The second step is to experiment with rewards. Everything habit you follow have an unique reward that's why brain makes the routine a memoir. You have to experiment with them like taking the same scenario of doughnut you have to experiment with reward, this can take some time. Firstly go to fridge don't take a doughnut this time, take a apple or other fruits so because you're testing if you crave for feeding your hunger or just for a rush sugar gives. Then you have to take a paper and write how you are feeling, you have to write it down just immediately after taking the apple, write down the first 3 things which comes to your mind. Then set a 15 min alarm ask yourself that do you still need a doughnut if yes than your brain craves sugar and if no than your brain craves something else.
Now in step 3 you have to leave step 1 and step 2, just focus on step 3, because once you figure out the routine and reward. Once, you're sure why are you craving it you have to upgrade to level 3 or step 3.
3- Figure out the cue - Next step is to figure out that what makes you crave that of you're still feeling to eat it even after 15 minutes. Even if you're not you still have to figure out the cue because you did not craved it after 15 minutes but 15 minutes earlier their was a need for it, well that's why you went to fridge. Figuring out cue is little tricky you have to know where to look but their is still a solution for it. Whenever you feel like having a doughnut, write down about 5 things-
Current location-
Current time-
Current emotional state-
Current people around-
Immediate preceding actior-
If you write these 5 things whenever you feel like having a doughnut if you find any of these same day by day than that is the thing you need. Let's say for instance, the time is always between 2 and 3 that means you crave a doughnut you are most likely needing a break between this time. You have to do this for 1 week at least, I mean writing these 5 things up regularly.
4- Have a plan - The last step is to have a plan, in the same scenario we took time for an example, if the time is same for a week than you need a break or you are tired and need a refresh between 2 and 3, and having a doughnut is the best way to do so, hi hi nice excuse. So you need a plan so for this example you need to set a plan like- 'From today everyday between 2 and 3 pm I will chat with someone or spend time in the internet.'
Something More {Must read} -
So, dear reader I know this blog was little longer and I really did not wanted to write this note, but the reason for writing this is to tell you that habits cannot be changes from 1 formula their are thousands of them, these were some tips which helped me and some of my friends and I though they might help you as well, but again their are thousands of formulas to change any habit. The motive to share this thing is to tell you that change is possible, it takes time and hard work but it is possible, it might be not same every time, sometimes you might give up or get a doughnut(#nicejoke), but it still is possible to change. So keep it up don't quit.At last I would thank all of you and my team for helping me in this blog, if you want to find out more about habits I prefer reading the power of habits by Charles Duhigg, such an amazing book. I am writing this blog in night it's 11:07 pm and my team is slept, but I got to write it because I want to upload about another topic tomorrow. So time to end, support, comment and share, Thank you.
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