Benefits of exercises.

As you know how important exercising is you should know its benefits too. So here are some of the benefits exercising provides.

Helps controlling weight-

With diet exercising helps to lose weight. If proper exercise are done for the sake of losing weight daily it can be reduced.

Improves sleep - 

I have mentioned exercising in How to sleep better and faster ? blog. You can find more about sleeping there.

Helps improving your mood and mental health-

During exercising your brain release dopamine which helps you feel better. That's why in the beginning you might feel not to exercise but after exercising you feel good because of the chemical your brain released.

Can help in quitting smoking- 

Exercising can help in quitting smoking, if you are a smoker you should exercise. What happens is it sends your brain a message that 'I am taking care of myself, then why should I smoke which is harmful for me'.

Reduce risk of heart disease-

Exercising strengthens your heart and increases your circulation. The increased blood flow raises the oxygen level in your body. This reduced the risk of heart disease such as high cholesterol for example. Regular exercise can also lower your blood pressure level.

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