How to sleep better and faster ?

Welcome back lovely peoples, today I will give you 5 tips on how to sleep better and faster.

1- Sleep and wake up at the same time - Firstly sleep and wake up at the same time, make it a habit because it will tell your brain that its 9:00pm or whatever time, so lets go to sleep

I know guys that making some habits can be really difficult so I will soon make a video upon that.

2- Expose yourself to light - Expose yourself to light in the day, especially in the morning, have your coffee in the sunlight this can be a great excuse to get up in the morning.

3- Avoid light before going to bed - One of the most important from these points 'Avoid light before going to bed' please don't check your phone or blue light exposing devices 1-2 hours before going to bed, it sends a message to your brain to stay awake or maybe 'excited'.

4- Exercise during the day - Most important from all these, exercise guys you need your body to get included in work during the day. You only exercise your brain not body but for sleep both mental and physical exercises are crucial.

5- Get a comfy mattress - Get a comfortable mattress guys, this is one of the reason most of the people stuck without knowing, but we want you to avoid that. When you wear what you like you take more care of your looks, when you do what you like you do it with full focus and happiness similarly when you sleep on what you like chances increase that you will feel good when you will get on it.

Sleep is so crucial for good mental and physical performance. These tips will too help you too sleep faster. But the thing is it's not a matter about quantity its measured in quality so even if you sleep 4 hours with a really nice quality such that you feel energetic, fresh and good when you wake its a good quality sleep than those sleeping long hours with less quality.

In this blog our goal was to somehow help you to improve your sleep, so you can perform better in your daily life. Thanks for coming here if you find this helpful, please comment and if you think something better should be added as well comment too, we will quickly respond. Finally, sorry if their were any mistakes, Thank you, 


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