How to deal with depression?
How to deal with depression?
Their is a stage in life where we suffer from anxiety and depression but today I am, as always, going to solve this problem by giving you tips on how to deal with depression.
Journaling - This is probably the best thing you can do and this thing, believe me it always works. If you are feeling depressed that means you are sad and in most of the cases or almost all of the cases their is a reason behind being sad, but if you write them down it can be really helpful. I don't mean you should write the reason, sometimes you may not know what is causing depression so you should write about anything, it can be related to personal life, goals, dreams, or etc.
Share your feelings - If you share your feelings to someone it feels very light. But the listener should be a good person, not like most of the people which gives you quick answer or solution for your problem which in most cases are your parents. But if you know somebody who is kind enough to listen to you and understand you, well you know. If you ask me I would recommend never let that person go. Most of the time most of the people make jokes and laugh at your feelings because they don't know how much it hurts and how sad it can be. So share your feeling with right type of people you will surely feel good.
What not to do -
Just give me a little more time because I've told you what to do so its too my responsibility to tell you what not to do. I will not explain things I will give points because it will get too long.
1- Don't drink (alcohol).
2- Don't get angry on things or other people.
3- Don't judge yourself.
A little more -
In this blog I told you what you should do for dealing depression and anxiety, there are a lot of ways for dealing it but the best two I found personally very beautiful were discussed. I do have told you some mistakes I did(what not to do) which you should not do.
That is very good